Apr 272014

Hello My wonderful Friends and Family,

“Christ has indeed been raised from the dead!” 1 Corinthians 15:20

I hope that you all had a wonderful and blessed Easter with family!! I am so thankful that Christ is INDEED raised from the dead! We have life in Him because of his resurrection!! Although I was missing home and my family this Easter, the Lord blessed me with my church family here and with friends who came over for an International Family Easter Dinner! We had people from all around the world, but I made an American style Easter meal.

The Lord has greatly blessed me the last two week..Many of you may have heard that I had to leave the county and reenter this past Wednesday.. To make a long story short, when you enter Russia you have to be registered by either the, hotel, host family, company, or organization you are working through or visiting. Perspektivy registered me when I arrived here in January. They registered me to stay in the country for 90 days. When they informed that I was staying longer they should have reregistered me then. A week from when I knew my registration was going to expire (April 13th ) I took all the documents they needed in order to ‘reregister me. However, they did not do this. When I was leaving the orphanage last Monday I asked if my new registration was done and if I could go pick up at the office. I was told, no you need to leave the county tomorrow…Perspektivy had never had someone with a visa where they could stay in the country for 180 days ( 6months) they were use to the other volunteers who have student visa and can only be in country for 90 days. Monday night and Tue were very stressful with trying to figure out if I really had to leave the country, and if I did what was the best options. Things were sorted it was determined that I needed to go to Finland and reenter the country the same day so I could get a new registration.I left at 4:30 wed morning on a mini bus to Finland. Once your registration expires you have 72 hours where you can stay in country, I was at that that mark so we were praying that at the boarder leaving Russia they kept my immigration card and wouldn’t ask for my registration.. God is so good, and prayers were answered!So thank you for those of you who knew the situation and were praying.

This last week at the orphanage has been an eventful one. Several of my children have very sick all week..It is very hard at times having nursing skills and knowledge that I am not allowed to put to practice here. I feel like if I could just for the kids’medical needs they would be healing faster..It is very much an American attitude, I knowJ The Lord is constantly reminding me, he is in control even over my children here!

The weather here is starting to warm up which is so great with the kids! I was out for a walk with my sweet little Vika on Friday, we were sitting in the sun on the play ground and next thing I knew there was a little girl coming up behind me to sit with me. I have never seen or met this sweet little girl, her name is Masha and she loves to eat sticks. She would grab 2 or 3 little sticks and put them in her mouth like it was candy. I would tell her to open her mouth and she would so I pulled the sticks out. She is so cute, She didn’t really talk much but loved to receive attention and affection. She has Down’s Syndrome but is higher function then those in my building, I’m guessing she is from building 2 or 3 in the compound. Now that it is warmer I am meeting and seeing many other children from the other 3 buildings here.

This past Wednesday Ben ( an American student here) and I led the English club at global grounds. All the CM&A team are in Turkey for their conference. So we led a ‘game’ night for about 20 people who came to the café. I think we were a little nervous about it at first, but we had a nice turn out and everyone seemed to have a good time. I just love what Global Grounds is offering to the community. Its giving so many young people a chance to improve their English, but most of all its allowing them to meet Godly people who care about them, who are lifting them up in prayer! We have a 3 day English camp coming up in May 9th-11th. It is Victory weekend here so it’s a long weekend which works well to have the camp outside of the city. I am selfishly looking forward to the camp because we are going to do S’moresJJ yum yum!!

After Easter dinner last Sunday I had the chance to chat/witness with a young man who is really searching for some answers in his life. He was asking every question in the book. Is there only one heaven,how do you get there, what about hell, abortion, gays, drinking, being a good person, sin, what kind of sins are forgivable. What if you become a Christian and then you sin or live life they way you want, will you still go to heaven..You name it, he is asking it! This is the second conversation like this that I have had with this young man. He is a German volunteer who works at the school for disabled adults here in the city he is only 20 years old and speaks 5 languages fluently. I am praying for God’s wisdom and words to flow through me when I am talking with him. I have been inviting him to church the last 3 weeks, he says he is coming this morning to church, but we will see.

I just realized I didn’t tell you guys that I moved last week as well!I moved to the south side of the city. Further away from the center but closer to the orphanage. My commute is now only an hour compared to an hour and 45 minutes. I am living alone in my own flat. The building is about 5 or 6 years old so much newer then the one I was living in…J I have my own kitchen, bathroom, a bedroom and living room that are one! Its small but compared to what I was living in, I feel like I am in a hotel!!! I am really blessed with now getting more sleep at night, not waiting in line for the toilet or shower..There are many little things that thrill me these days! J I am renting the flat from a friend who comes to Russia 3 months at a time and then travels back to the states for 3 months to fund raise for his ministry here. The rent is very high but I am paying half of the cost of rent plus utilities..It is about 250 dollars more a month for however, It is much better living conditions.

Some Prayer request for the coming weeks.

    • The young man I just spoke about.
    • The French girl that I have spoken about before, she is going back to France on Tue. Pray for someone positive to come into her life at her new work place, for the seeds that have been planted to be watered.
    • Healing of sickness with my children in my room.
    • I praise the Lord for better rest since I have moved into my own flat.
    • Pray for my back please. I have never had any real issues with my back hurting from lifting, but it is starting to hurt almost every day!
    • Continue to pray for the youth group we are starting here at Hope church.
    • Please pray for the Lord’s love, wisdom, words to flow through me when he gives me opportunities to share his love story with people.
    • Continue safety in daily commutes to the orphanage. Although I am now living in a nice flat and the area the buildings are in is for the most part are nice, I am now in the ‘south’ of the city…There is one area I don’t really care to walk alone after dark…although I have to most nights..:)
    • I Praise the lord for his never ending love, for showing me his love through all of your love, prayers, and support!! Thank you!!!!
    • Continue to pray for the relationship between our two countries.
    • I pray you all are doing well and really enjoying the warm spring weather! I miss you all dearly and I am filled with such joy when I think of the support I have from all of you! Thank you!! God bless you!!